It's a dessert that consists of "creamed cod-flavoured ice cream coated in vanilla and pepper batter, accompanied by potato ice cream chips made with Maris Piper potatoes, all served with salt and vin ...
Martha Stewart Living Radio recently held a cupcake contest, and unfortunately the winner was NOT these Alexander McQueen cupcakes, by Julia Cunningham, DJ on SiriusXM U.The cupcakes feature the McQue ...
Next on the baking agenda? An exploding Volcano Cake, in honor of the recent Eyjafjallajökull eruption.Luckily, Finkbuilt has a great HowTo (with a clear-cut, explanatory diagram to boot!). Click thro ...
Creative lollipops by photographer Massimo Gammacurta of Italy. You can buy the book here. Check out his deliciously sweet brands on a stick: ...
Oh boy, these can't be good for you. But, man, I am a sucker for cookie dough. Via recipe creator, Annie Eats:"Every once in a while, a dessert comes along that I consider to be life-changing. This m ...
Star Trek legend William Shatner is apparently a man of many talents. Actor, recording artist, author, and baker!Cookie Madness posts a recipe of Shatner's beloved cappuccino muffins. Remember, in the ...